Scratch Logo, courtesy of MIT Media LabLiteracy from Scratch

Czech School News

31.1.2013 korunka@news NAŠE PROJEKTY

BETT 2013V listopadu minulého roku jsme byli přizváni prostřednictvím Pedagogické fakulty UK Praha k účasti na ověřování využití programu Scratch ve výuce na základní škole. Velmi nás podpořil p. profesor Lawrence Williams z Burnel University v Londýně, který nám poskytl metodiku pro práci s programem i další podporu. Zároveň jsme si mohli porovnávat naše práce s pracemi dětí v Londýně. Tento víkend pan profesor Williams společně v Dr. Mirkou Černochovou z PedF UK Praha budou prezentovat první výsledky společného projektu na významném kongresu BETT 2013 v Londýně, který je věnován zapojení moderních technologií do vzdělávání.

January 31, 2013 @ news crown OUR PROJECTS

BETT 2013In November last year, we were invited by the Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague to participate in the Literacy from Scratch teaching programme at the elementary school. We are supported by Mr. Lawrence Williams, Teaching Fellow at Brunel University in London, who provided us with a new methodology for working with the programme, and even more support.

At the same time we were able to compare our work with the work of children in London. This weekend (2nd February 2013) Lawrence Williams together in Dr. Mirka Černochová of Charles University in Prague Faculty of Education presented the first results of a joint project at a major exhibition, BETT 2013 in London, devoted to the involvement of modern technologies in education.

While working with Scratch, the children meet with the basics of programming in a very entertaining way, using visual cues, programmed moving figures (sprites), changing background, involving dialogues and controlling the progress of the story. In the next article on the subject we will reveal more and bring you samples of our work. The project involved students from the 5th and 7th classes. Also using the control program we got Martin of 5 class that is already in the program, to create a simple animated game. Thank you to the students from the faculty of Education, Charles University, Kotka Luke, who attends our classes and patiently helps our children.
